In what ways are we exposed to a deprivation of liberty, to oppression, and to exploitation today? What can be said about the situation of fundamental rights and freedoms? What artistic reactions and interventions can be found out there relevant to these questions? Kahán Art Space Vienna sheds light on these questions and reveals the current trends around these themes.
Still it doesn’t reduce art to a mere political and social dimension but makes its potential for a free and independent life and way of thinking visible and turns it into something that can be experienced. Kahán Art Space Vienna focuses on the work and views of artists who challenge existing behavioural and idealistic conventions, who create the opportunity for a new interpretation of social, historical and political conditions, and thereby sharpen and change our view of the world and its issues. Over this process, the innovative power and critical thinking of art encourages us to question the usual categories, concepts or supposed objectivity, to consider alternative options, and to place ourselves in unusual perspectives. Thus, the venue sees the creative process and practice as a method of investigating issues that are not addressed socially or are being suppressed.
Kahán Art Space Vienna holds four individual or group exhibitions every year. But the meaning of art does not only manifest itself in works of art and art projects - it embeds itself into various dialogues formulating first between the artists and the artwork, then between the artwork and the public, and finally, among various public spaces. The communication of artistic thoughts, views and statements are supported and accompanied by guided visits, discussions and workshops. The self-managed art communication programme organised with the involvement of the artists is primarily aimed at the direct area (mostly schools).